jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010


Chris Evans in his Captain America get-upMuchas pequeñas noticias que no ameritaban un post por si solas, con un update en twitter bastaba, pero si las juntamos, pues ya se ve mejor.

La primera, el señor Human Torch hizo lo posible por parecerse al Captain América, mentón cuadrado y todo, pero fracasó , aquí está Chris Evans en la portada del Entertainment weekly de ésta semana.

“At the time, I remember telling a buddy of mine, ‘If the movie bombs, I’m f—-ed. If the movie hits, I’m f—-ed!’” After declining the part three times, Evans took a meeting with Marvel execs and Johnston and was dazzled by their plans for the movie. He still felt wary about suiting up for Captain America — but then he had an epiphany. “I was just scared,” he says. “I realized my whole decision making process was fear based, and you never want to make a decision out of fear.’” Evans signed a six-picture deal with Marvel to play the character, and he has no regrets: “I can’t believe was almost too chicken to play Captain America.”

Se ha hablado mucho de que si Nolan ya se vendió al 3D o algo por ese estilo, con eso de que planean reestrenar Inception en ese formato, pero sólo comento que "The Dark Knight Rises" estará en IMAX y que no, no será The Riddler (el acertijo) el antagonista.

“There was a large canvas and operatic sweep to The Dark Knight and we want to make a film that will carry on with that look and feel.”

“This is not starting over, this is not rebooting. We’re finishing something, and keeping a consistency with what’s come before has real value.”

Bien por Nolan,ojalá Warner no lo termine convenciendo a la mala.Para despedirnos, si pueden lean mi nota de despedida en de10.com.mx

jiff en de10.com.mx

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